Book Wars program to reward students for reading

Posted: August 28, 2013 in Academics, Book Wars, Language arts

By Alysa Rippee
Cougar News Blog

This year at Cactus Canyon many new activities and events are ahead. One program involves two very important things — reading and rewards.
Thanks to reading specialist, Lisa Smith, a new motivational reading program is taking place. Book Wars is very different from Accelerated Reading in many ways.
“The AR program had kids locked into certain reading levels so there were fewer choices for them,” Smith said. “Also, the AR point goals were quarterly, while this one is yearly. AR also had grades attached to it, where this one has prizes and awards.”
Book Wars includes six Jedi levels: Youngling, Padawan, Jedi Knight, Jedi Master, Councilor and Grand Master. Every time a student gains 15 points, he or she graduates to a higher level and earn a prize. Prizes include: a scratch card with student incentives, a candy bar, a gym party (held in third quarter), a button with lunch privileges, a shirt, and a pool party.
“It certainly helps you not be too scared to actually take the test,” said eighth grader Brandi Brooks. “That was the main reason I never took AR quizzes; I was too scared of it harming my grade.”
Now that Book Wars is out there, kids are already rushing in to claim their prizes. A few students have already completed more than one Jedi levels in the matter of three weeks since school started.
“This program is meant to inspire a love for reading,” said said eighth-grade language arts teacher Kristen Sojourner. “ It has been proven that kids who read do better in all their classes.”
Also, for those that have trouble finding books, a website called will be available. Tumblebooks allows readers to search, hold on to, listen, and read books online. This will hopefully help people reach their Jedi goals in the most efficient way possible.
“I really hope students will pick stories that they enjoy reading,” said Smith. “I also want to reward students for their motivation to read and learn new ideas.”
  1. Maranda Brousseau says:

    The story is very well written. You have put several detailed quotes. Good job!

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